IAP2 Courses
Which IAP2 course is for me?
Steph served as co-lead for IAP2's new global learning pathway, along with developing 13 new IAP2 courses and is currently offering Level 1, 2 and 3 courses. Read more information below and reach out if you have any questions. Steph looks forward to diving into this learning with you!
Read the full course descriptions here.
"Steph is incredible. I have taken IAP2 courses in the past and her approach and facilitation was above and beyond. Thank you so much Steph, for everything.."
Level 1 Courses
Level 1 introductory courses are for practitioners who are new to conflict, working with conflict in public engagement as part of a team or are working to implement meaningful engagement.
Understanding Conflict in P2/Engagement will help you understand, and more effectively manage,
conflict dynamics.
Understanding People & Communities provides an introduction to working with diversity, equity and inclusion in P2/Engagement.
Level 2 Courses
Level 2 intermediate courses are for practitioners with some experience working in P2/engagement who are leading engagement projects.
IAP2 Way in Challenging Contexts is a prerequisite for other IAP2 courses that sets out the models and frameworks of P2/engagement practice defined by the IAP2 community.
Applying Methods explores a variety of methods used in implementing P2/engagement and considers how to design and integrate those methods into the P2/engagement process.
Level 3 Courses
Level 3 advanced courses are for practitioners with extensive experience in complex, challenging conflict situations, who are leading engagement projects, teams and situations.
Working with Conflict & High Emotion focuses on de-escalating and shifting conflict and high emotion to constructive participation, where forward momentum and resolution is possible.
Strategies for Complex P2/Engagement looks at the systems we work in to map the complex interactions that happen when we seek to solve difficult, challenging problems in the midst of diverse perspectives views.
Ready to register?
Visit the training page for course offerings, dates and times. All courses are offered online and available in person as in house training (on request).