Notes From The Field

Misinformation, Disinformation, Facts and Feelings in a time of chaos and polarization bravehonestconversations chaos conflict transformation courage disinformation leadership development misinformation polarization

I have long taught people that in a world where we can focus on facts or feelings in our conversations with others, we should address and de-escalate feelings FIRST, before we talk about facts....

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Choosing Positivity, Gratitude & Connection versus Negativity, Divide & Polarization

2025 feels like a page has been turned.

2024 was challenging in so many ways, and when I look back, I can feel the heaviness, the hard work and even the despair of it all. Working in conflict and...

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Reflection Questions: Looking back and looking forward reflection

If you are like me and need time to process where you’ve been before you can plan where you are going to next, taking some time to reflect, harvest learnings, and think deeply about where you...

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Inviting light in challenging times braveandkind bravehonestconversations choosingjoy courageousleadership integration joyandpositivity leadership leadershipdevelopment

“What is your relationship to joy?” That question was voiced a few years ago by a colleague as we were talking about work with high emotion. In my work, I’ve got a friendly...

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Mission Impossible: Building trust in the public arena conflict equity leadership development politics trust

My work is in the public arena, in the space between people. That means I spend a lot of time feeling the impacts of polarization, disconnection, fear, anger and distrust. In the last few years it...

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Practicing exclusion in the name of inclusion conflict inclusion leadership polarization racism

I believe that brave, honest conversations are how we solve the problems in our lives, organizations, and communities. These hardest of conversations create a path to strengthened relationships,...

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How to really learn from failure

I’ve got failure on my mind. The word is circling in the air around me, encouraging me to lean in and listen deeply while it whispers sweet nothings. I’m working on a conference...

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Let’s talk about LOVE and leadership.

The word LOVE keeps coming up in my workshops, trainings and sessions. People use the word with exuberance, commitment and also with hesitation, uncertainty and discomfort.

It seems to me that...

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A recipe for collaboration: ingredients for connection & possibility collaboration community engagement conflict conversations leadership

A Socratic Circle: creating space to talk about what matters most

I’ve been leading lots of sessions the last few months — and in so many of them there is this magical moment where it...

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The antidote to disconnection & divide is human kindness bravehonestconversations empathy

Recently I turned on the television and came across a documentary entitled “You are Here: A Come From Away Story”. I spent an hour on the couch both laughing with joy and crying...

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Is it OK to admit you are human? bravehonestconversations

A “burning” question from a workshop participant.

Can you be yourself at work? Can you authentically interact with others in the public arena? Do you need to stay in character to have...

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Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose. leadership

What differentiates a great leader from a bad one? What character traits or behaviours inspire followers and create lasting change? What kind of leadership builds a world that improves...

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